
Guessing is similar to:

Estimate, predict, calculate, approximate, hypothesize, speculate, surmise and reckon.

You can also use predicting. Predicting is also similar to:

Forecast, foresee, prophesy, divine, anticipate, see, say, project, envision and envisage.

Both of these terms are very similar and is used with clues, prior knowledge, personal experiences to anticipate what comes next.

You can also google these terms.

Some examples for Predicting:

  • It’s a cloudy day today I predict it might rain. This might be obvious but here you are using personal experiences to anticipate.
  • If someone consumes a lot of sugary products like soft drinks and chocolates, they could get diabetes.
  • There are a lots of storms and bush fires lately around the world I predict it could have an effect on the earth’s environment. Here you are using clues like bush fires, storms, car emissions and ice caps melting etc… to make a prediction.

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